Freedom and Chemistry of Revolution

hello there sorry i didn't write for a very very long time because of the Revolution in Syria and the mass killing my family decided that as a young man i'm in danger of arrest or death and knowing my parents the real reason they wanted me out was to prevent me from joining in the revolution and fight against Bashar Al-Assad's men.

of course since i wasn't writing for over a year i have a million idea to talk about but i will pick for today an idea that came to me here in Egypt i was studying a subject in school "Thermodynamics" which for those who doesn't know talks about the heat and energy transfer.

we have in the university here in Egypt a fantastic teacher who agreed to sit with me and explain some stuff -and i had ideas to write about there of course so stay tuned :P- when i came back home i looked up some videos on youtube to get more familiar with the ideas and there was this professor talking about energy and freedom of the atoms and so on... combine that with my experience in Syria and some other random ideas and you will find me talking today about 'freedom'.

with the "Arabian spring" -as the media calls the revolutions in the Arab world- took place the people's demand was "freedom"... of speech, to choose a different leader who isn't starving his people, to say no, to learn and evolve with their countries... etc
if you asked me they took that freedom the moment they said no ...
according to Yale university professor who was talking about atoms and energy exchange in solid, water, and gas.. if you heated something the energy travels along that thing and makes changes..
1) in a gas if you heated it the volume will rise increasing the distance between molecules of the gas ..
2) in a liquid the molecules will speed up and end up evaporating to a gas...
3) solid atoms got this fantastic thing, imagine the atoms in the solid as if they were sitting in small holes when you give it heat (energy) the atom starts to move in the hole, as long as the energy isn't enough the atom won't see what's outside that hole... give it enough energy and the atom jumps outside and gets 'free' and the solid becomes liquid...

as i believe the laws of physics or anything happens in the universe is connected somehow ... how about me and you imagine a society (a piece of solid material iron, ice, solid carbon..etc)..
it's people are poor, nice people raised to do what they saw their parents do without thinking just costumed to it (in the holes), they are close to each other and love each other and their brothers and sisters in other countries (the atoms of the solid), they hear news about bad things happening to the near countries (the heat transfer or energy is added to the solid) and they feel sad, and angry a bit but they do nothing about it (not enough), then the prices of goods raise dramatically and they get angry and say this is wrong but do nothing about it (more energy and still not enough)... some of them are taken to secret prisons for no reason just because they said some stuff and stay there for 10 or more years (the last energy transfer was strong enough to get very few atoms out of their holes but still not enough), the families of the kidnapped by the government starts talking and few more are taken to the prisons and few of them dies (the side of the solid exposed to heat start to melt and the numbers of atoms getting outside the holes is increasing), until the poor nice people realize the real lies and stood up for themselves and shouted NO! (the solid melted the atoms are all free and the society is now a liquid) the people new the amazing feeling to say no and having different points of view in politics and ideas that shapes the new society (the molecules of the liquid are further apart from each other then it is in solid), the liquid form of the society is good for a while and healthy, after heating a solid the dirt and bad things in it gets thrown away and it becomes cleaner...

here comes the important part! if the liquid kept on heating and getting energy (from different sources) the liquid will become gas and the molecules will get apart even further making the opinions gets sharper and the voices gets louder... and people gets away from each other and hatred spreads among them...
if the liquid was correctly left to cool down the resulting solid would be clean and solid again...

not sure if i made my point clear but people who are doing fantastic history right in front of our eyes get to solid after you throw the dirt out and don't get heat and energy from unknown sources just because you smelled the freedom or had different ideas and opinions and eventually turn into a gas, stay together like solid atoms :)



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