
I was talking to a friend yesterday who has a good talent in photography and i noticed that all the photos she take has a pattern, a way of a feeling or a fingerprint in every photo.
Artists, painters, architects, programmers...etc, has a pattern that make it easy for people to know that this piece of music was made by Beethoven for example, or this paint was made by Vincent van gogh... and so on.

the beautiful thing is that we don't get surprised if a person who understands and knows Beethoven's pattern... looked at the moonlight sonata for the first time and listened to the tone and said 'this piece is by Beethoven'.
anyone who has a little knowledge in architecture can say that this building was  built by the Ottoman empire because of the Dooms and the islamic structure... and so goes the examples ..

but that made me remember a saying when they asked a woman who doesn't know how to write or read: "why do you think that God exists?" she looked at them and answered: "if you walked in the desert and saw a cow feces you know there was a cow walking through this road, and if you saw a foot print then you know there was a human walking here.
wouldn't the stars, the sky and the beauty of the earth tells you that there is someone who made all that?"

sounds irrational to me...

i wish you have a lovely day, and put a finger print in something creative.


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